Rob Proctor’s Garden

Rob Proctor is a garden expert for a local news station. My aunt, gardener extraordinaire, told me about it and got tickets. Ryula, Rai, and I decided to go and oh my was it amazing! For a semi-arid climate, it was so very lush and dense. There were several seating areas that I would kill to have for sitting outside and reading, or having some tea, or just to be in. ❤ I’ll let Ryula take over now.

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Last Year’s Garden Project

Ryula here! I promised Soshi I would post a garden thing without her needing to hold my hand so here we go!  A quick and dirty overview of last summer’s yard project~

This is what the north end of my backyard once looked like. Pretty awful, huh? But, with a few hours of chopping, digging, dragging, pinning, and raking, it turned into… Continue reading

Gardening and a new Author

Hey! So my friend Ryula wanted to show off her garden, so she’s going to start writing for this blog. She’s been doing some really cool stuff, trying to reorganize her back yard and get a huge vegetable garden started. I’ve been helping out from time to time, but since I have a black thumb, I’m really only good for manual labor.

So Soshi says that, but frankly her herbs are doing fine because she finally put them where they can get sun– it’s not her thumb that’s black. As for the manual labor, that just happens to be what happens before you can plant anything in an un-prepped area. ^^ Hi! I’m Ryula, and I’ve been stealing Soshi for a few days in the past week or so to help me do all sorts of yard work. Hopefully everything will go well and get done and look lovely when she posts pictures!

Here’s the soon-to-be vegetable garden. It’s a bit of a mess, but how else do you get things done? ^^ This whole space is going to be the vegetable garden. It’ll have squash, cucumber, radishes, chard, romaine, spinach, and so on. And since I’m helping, I get some! I’m looking forward to it. Continue reading

The Basics

Cooking, designing, decorating, organizing, gardening, learning. Always learning.

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